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GIMP 2.10.18

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GIMP 2.10.18 Maurizio Loreti via gimp-user-list 07 Mar 05:16
  GIMP 2.10.18 programmer_ceds 08 Mar 21:31
  GIMP 2.10.18 Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-user-list 08 Mar 23:19
  GIMP 2.10.18 Lesliernton 30 Sep 05:15
Maurizio Loreti via gimp-user-list
2020-03-07 05:16:26 UTC (over 4 years ago)

GIMP 2.10.18

15 days have passed. When a MacOS version will be available? Any idea? --
Maurizio Loreti --

2020-03-08 21:31:42 UTC (over 4 years ago)

GIMP 2.10.18

You could try the version produced by Partha - I have used his Windows versions before I moved to Linux but have never used MacOS so haven't tried his Mac versions

15 days have passed. When a MacOS version will be available? Any idea?
Maurizio Loreti --

programmer_ceds (via
Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-user-list
2020-03-08 23:19:28 UTC (over 4 years ago)

GIMP 2.10.18

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 8:16 AM Maurizio Loreti via gimp-user-list wrote:

15 days have passed. When a MacOS version will be available? Any idea?

There's a combination of Apple making things difficult and the packager being sick.

This will be resolved in due time.


2021-09-30 05:15:19 UTC (almost 3 years ago)

GIMP 2.10.18

GIMP is a free image editor that can be used to create any kind of visual art. It has many features like layers, filters, and the ability to make your own brushes. GIMP 2.10.18 has been released with new improvements for text editing and color management as well as bug fixes for issues that were reported by users during testing.