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Apple Cake and Cinnamon Tea

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Create a still life painting in GIMP!
Apple Cake and Cinnamon Tea
Apple Cake and Cinnamon Tea
26 GIMPusers like this


Author: aryeom

Submitted at Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:51:20 +0000, last edited almost 11 years ago

About this image

Just a cake I made the other day, and thought I could also draw as my still painting topic.

The workspace has only 1 layer because I don't use a lot layers when *painting*. This is not because I merged layed. Sorry for people wanting to learn from the XCF. I can provide exports at 2 intermediary steps of the work though, upon request (there was no way to upload them here unfortunately), which shows well the progression of the painting work with *layers of painting*, one on the other.


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This topic (Apple Cake and Cinnamon Tea) has been rated 4.9/5.0.

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aryeom member for almost 11 years aryeom 4 comments
over 10 years ago

Thant's wonderful! Thank you :-)

solensdatter2 member for almost 12 years solensdatter2 15 comments
over 10 years ago

Congrats! I found your painting really useful and inspirational.I pfirst painted the missing handle on the teacup, then the missing halved of the plates and cake. I added some more slices of apples and cream (a must to go with applecake :) And ended up repainting the whole scene in different layers. Also painted another cake with raspberries. I have a a workfile 45MB .xcf to anyone interested. Hope you can get some inspiraton from my video too.

aryeom member for almost 11 years aryeom 4 comments
over 10 years ago

Thank you so much to vote for me! :-)

Bequi member for almost 12 years Bequi 1 comment rated this topic with 5/5
almost 11 years ago

Best of the bunch.

lousiewhei member for over 12 years lousiewhei 14 comments rated this topic with 5/5
almost 11 years ago

My top choice is Apple Cake And Cinnamon Tea. While all flowers stills are great, this one demonstrate great drawing and painting skill, perfect geometry perceptions, depth, lighting, and the reflection on the mug. A master piece if it is done on a canvas. And this is on computer screen, and done with GIMP.

aryeom member for almost 11 years aryeom 4 comments
almost 11 years ago

I forgot to tell this. Of course to keep lighting stable, you can also use a reference photograph. This is what I did. Anyway with the big laptop and graphic tablet and my small desk, there is no much more choice unfortunately.

This was just a reference photograph though. I did not even load it in GIMP, did not edit it nor even pick colors. Every pixel in this image is hand-drawn in GIMP. :-)

sigae2 member for almost 11 years sigae2 1 comment
almost 11 years ago

Awesome! I like this.

yayo member for almost 11 years yayo 1 comment rated this topic with 5/5
almost 11 years ago

Good good

aryeom member for almost 11 years aryeom 4 comments
almost 11 years ago

The painting technics are the usual ones as on a physical canvas.
I just start with a raw sketch.(If it's on real canvas, I would do more detail, but I can fix the drawing anytime on gimp. So I have less to think.) and I start coloring to basement and I go more and more in the details, painting over previous painting. the most important is to constantly watch and compare your drawing with original. (If you are slow to draw it is better to draw by night with a lamp. because by day the light and shadows move al the time.) I can upload two intermediate steps but unfortunately I focus too much, and didn't do more snapshots. You can still see the cake and the cup shapes and volumes evolved.
I used Acrylic 01 brush from gimp, and a custom dynamic. I use the same dynamic for the sketch on my web comic ( ).
The only effect I used a little in this painting was blur on the cake. for this, you make a new layer with gradiant in the part you want to blur, make alpha to selection, and go back to the first layer whith a painting and you run gaussian blur. Maybe I could do a video too later to explain the painting.

solensdatter2 member for almost 12 years solensdatter2 15 comments
almost 11 years ago

Excellent work!. Can you please upload some intermediate files and tell us what brushes, filters, effects and other tools you used during the proces. so we van learn from you? As it is said in the rules:"The steps of the creation process should be as traceable as possible so that others can benefit." well - one layer don't say much... We surely need more info - thanks :)

jiju member for about 13 years jiju 3 comments
almost 11 years ago

nice work !

MVhargon member for about 12 years MVhargon 4 comments rated this topic with 4/5
almost 11 years ago

A very nicely done artwork, and the cake and tea look wonderful especially on a chilly day.

tiagolisboa member for about 12 years tiagolisboa 1 comment rated this topic with 5/5
almost 11 years ago

Really well done painting and drawing! The level presented in this painting really is high. You are a really good artist!
(I know I used the word "really" too many times, but I REALLY liked this work :))

BionicNellyWiz member for over 13 years BionicNellyWiz 1 comment rated this topic with 5/5
almost 11 years ago

This is a brilliant still life work - I love it because it looks so realistic and yummy to eat!

Papy_Octet member for over 13 years Papy_Octet 5 comments rated this topic with 5/5
almost 11 years ago

We would eat it. It is a magnificent realization.
The smell is missing there only.
Bravo to the artist.