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Create a still life painting in GIMP!

Credits go to these companies who have sponsored the prizes for this contest:

Create a still life painting in GIMP!

Submission period:
06 Aug 2013 07:22 UTC – 16 Oct 2013 23:59 UTC

Voting period:
17 Oct 2013 01:00 UTC – 24 Oct 2013 07:22 UTC

Status: finished (8 submissions)


We’re happy to announce that publisher Bur has sponsored 3 of their new upcoming book containing 34 dedicated tutorials on painting and dawing in GIMP!

3x Enjoy digital painting with GIMP


Create your own still life painting! You can draw anything you want, but be sure that there is no kind of animation in the scene. Most of the time still life is some interior object just lying around (like an apple on the table or a bottle of water). In my case I painted a carafe of water on a table with a mandarin slice on top.

Specific rules

  • Paint a still life object of your choice
  • No animation in the scene (looking at your painting it should sort of make you calm)
  • Make it on your own and don’t use a photo that you just edit.
  • If you use any special resources please link them in the description when uploading the image

General rules

  • All uploaded images are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
  • You need a free account to participate. You can use it to manage your submissions.
  • All images have to be created with GIMP.
  • Submissions are only accepted if uploaded using the Submissions page. Every image is required to be in JPEG or PNG format, and the GIMP workspace has to be uploaded, too.
  • Please save and upload your GIMP workspace as .xcfbz2 file (instead of .xcf). The steps of the creation process should be as traceable as possible so that others can benefit.
  • Make sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled, especially the copyright of used images. You can reference your sources in every submission's description.
  • You can upload up to three submissions and modify/delete it until the end of the submission period.
  • Submissions remain public when you should delete your account, but they won't be associated to an author anymore.
  • Possible prizes are provided by the named sponsors. There is no legal claim to the prizes.


Post your own comments, questions or hints here. The author and other users will see your posting and can reply to it.

Of course, you can also ask in the chat.

Subscription management

Please log in to manage your subscriptions.

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Jehan member for almost 11 years Jehan 4 comments
almost 11 years ago


Can we see all the submissions now, or is the vote held secretly?

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
almost 11 years ago

We fixed the bug now - it was a problem with the ipv6 routing. Thanks for reporting!

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
almost 11 years ago

I will have a look into it! Thanks for reporting. In the meantime I can create an account for you if you want.

Jehan member for almost 11 years Jehan 4 comments
almost 11 years ago

Hello devvv,

I saw the url but it is unauthorized without being logged in. If I try, I get a "You are not authorized to access this page." and it asks me to login. But my friend has no login. So she tried to subscribe. And that's the place where there is a captcha.

But every each attempt, the captcha is in error. We tried like several dozen times by now (by 3 different people), so I'm pretty sure that the problem is not our eyes but the captcha system.

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
almost 11 years ago

Hello Jehan,

there is no captcha in the submissions area! Its a seperate system to upload to the contest than attaching an image to a comment. Head over here: to upload or tell the url to your friend ;)

Yeah, we'll finally have to change the licensing text - thats an error for a long time. There isnt't even a cc-non-attribution license. It's meant to be a CC-BY-NC. Maybe I was drunk when I wrote that lol... Will change on next commit to the website. Thank you!

Jehan member for almost 11 years Jehan 4 comments
almost 11 years ago


my friend has been trying to create a login in order to submit a contest drawing. But she got rejected at least 10 times for the captcha. I tried as well for her, I got rejected too for the captcha many times. People on #gimp on IRC also got rejected. I'd say your captcha system is completely broken. Could you please fix it?

Also why the choice of CC non-attribution? I would think that at least a CC-attribution would be appropriate. This is certainly uncool for authors if they are told they lose their authorship after working that hard. Looks a little like "working for free" rather than a contest on this particular point.

deburger member for over 13 years deburger 6 comments
about 11 years ago

Francois_C, I can only guess what are you talking about... must be some banners on site... just use adblocker... if you can not identify ads

about 11 years ago

As a photographer, I'm not interested in digital still life, but why not?

What I want to point to is the "Download" ad above and below, which leads to a crapware that has nothing to do with Gimp and installs malware or PUPs. The shitware is called "image editor here, then described thus "Image Editor is a free video player". Indeed it is anything installing toolbars and malware.

If free software is supported by rogues, it is not freedom.