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Poll results

Question: How well do you accomplish the tutorials and instructions for GIMP here on

Created at Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:20:09 +0000
Open until Sat, 28 Apr 2012 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 55 votes has been given:

  • Almost very well. I run into problems very seldom. (30 votes)
  • Good so far, however I need help of other users. (15 votes)
  • Not so well, I can't accomplish many tutorials (also if they have a "low skill" rating) (6 votes)
  • I don't get GIMP in general. Therefore I'm not able to make most of the tutorials and I need much help of other users. (4 votes)

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royalblkrose member for over 12 years royalblkrose 1 comment
over 12 years ago

ok, new to the site... having problems with gimp 2.6.12 as of 3 days ago it won't load at all. I've used gimp now for 5-6 years now, this is the first time I've had an issue with it. I've loaded g'mic and both were working well until I downloaded new version of g'mic.
very frustrating. saw the suggestion to relabel the .dll but am a little confused as to which files to rename/remove and where to find them... using vista service pack 2 and update it regularly