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Poll results

Question: Which of these graphics related subject areas are you interested in?

Created at Tue, 01 Feb 2011 20:34:19 +0000
Open until Thu, 12 May 2011 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 522 votes has been given:

  • Raster graphics (GIMP, Krita, Photoshop...) (162 votes)
  • Vector Graphics (Inkscape, Illustrator...) (104 votes)
  • Desktop Publishing (Scribus, InDesign...) (51 votes)
  • 3D modelling + textures (Blender, Maya, 3Dsmax) (86 votes)
  • Video editing (OpenShot, Premiere...) (56 votes)
  • Typography & Design as an art (52 votes)
  • something else (please post!) (11 votes)

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This topic (Which of these graphics related subject areas are you interested in?) has been rated 5.0/5.0.

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Arweena member for over 13 years Arweena 1 comment
over 13 years ago

something else > web design

mikethedj4 member for over 13 years mikethedj4 12 comments rated this topic with 5/5
over 13 years ago

Something else > web design, animation, digital painting, and cartoons (for my nephew)

d_rylander member for over 13 years d_rylander 1 comment
over 13 years ago

Something else > animation.