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Poll results

Question: What do you think of integrating social networks in Web sites?

Created at Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:51:26 +0000
Open until Sun, 26 Sep 2010 21:04:38 +0000

In total, 49 votes has been given:

  • I like it, it brings users with similar interests together (9 votes)
  • Makes sense for some Web sites (communities with Facebook/Twitter integration), but is useless for others (12 votes)
  • That's a hype, I don't think it will last long (9 votes)
  • Such things frighten me (privacy and data protection reasons) (15 votes)
  • Other (please post) (4 votes)

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about 14 years ago

It's an invasion of privacy and an attempt to catalog my interests and preferences so advertising and other forms of social engineering can be directed at me.