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Poll results

Question: How eagerly do you wait for the next release of GIMP (2.8).

Created at Thu, 10 Dec 2009 21:58:09 +0000
Open until Sun, 26 Sep 2010 21:04:32 +0000

In total, 191 votes has been given:

  • *plz plz plz* gimme now! :) (103 votes)
  • Would be _really_ nice if 2.8 would finally be released (43 votes)
  • It's done when it's done. I'm not really waiting for it (34 votes)
  • I don't care, GIMP 2.6 is good enough for me! (11 votes)

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This topic (How eagerly do you wait for the next release of GIMP (2.8).) has been rated 5.0/5.0.

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mikethedj4 member for almost 14 years mikethedj4 12 comments rated this topic with 5/5
almost 14 years ago

I'm itching for Gimp 2.8 to be done extremely, but these things take time, and I'm willing to wait so everything is done smoothly, and works as it should with no problems, or errors, but as this is a poll my answer would be, "plz plz plz* gimme now! :)"