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Poll results

Question: Would you donate for a development of a new GIMP feature (crowdfunding)?

Created at Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:24:23 +0000
Open until Sun, 16 Feb 2014 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 196 votes has been given:

  • Yes, I would pay something for a new or improved feature if I benefit from it personally. (89 votes)
  • Yes, I would donate for a feature I find useful, even if I maybe don't use it at all. (67 votes)
  • No, I don't want to spend money on crowdfunding GIMP features because it is unfair for other developers that don't get money for their work. (33 votes)
  • No, I generally find crowdfunding a bad idea (please post why). (7 votes)

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Lyle member for over 12 years Lyle 91 comments
about 11 years ago

I've given some (not enough) money to projects like G'MIC in the past. Other programs too when the program was free but donations encouraged. Yes, if I really wanted a feature enough, I would donate something for it (paypal please).

One feature that's been promised but put off is a layer wrap feature. If your brush goes off layer, it would automatically wrap to the opposite side (cloning tool as well). Would make creating seamless textures child's play. :)

sadarax member for almost 17 years sadarax 1 comment
about 11 years ago

You should add another poll answer "I've already donated for features I use (or don't use)."

about 11 years ago

It says this vote is active but I can't find anything to click on?