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Congratulations! Show #100 on!

By at 2009-05-06 15:37:38 UTC, last updated about 15 years ago. CC BY-NC License

The creator of, Rolf Steinort, celebrates his 100. video show about GIMP! For exactly two years now Rolf is creating the very popular GIMP video podcasts – one show a week!

We want to congratulate him for his amazing work which he is contributing totally free into the whole GIMP community! Thank you, and keep up the great work on your videos ;)

Episode 100: Windtunnels and Tonal Ranges


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about 15 years ago

excellent video stuff at and excellent written tuorials here on - however is my fav site for cool tutorials! unless others I prefer written stuff. the results here are really nice!

thanks to the great community that evolved in the last years for GIMP including Rolf ;)

Ruffo member for over 15 years Ruffo 1 comment
about 15 years ago

Thanks for being so generous with your time Rolf - it takes a special kind of person to share knowledge so effectively. Congratulations!

about 15 years ago

Hooray! Congratulations to Rolf!