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GIMP 2.6.5 (+Windows binary) released

By at 2009-02-15 20:19:31 UTC, last updated over 15 years ago. CC BY-NC License

GIMP 2.6.5, another bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series, has been released (see official announcement).

Some translations have been updated and the following bugs have been fixed:

  • 571628 – Scaling image to 25% turn background from white to grey
  • 67840 – GIMP’s GtkScaleButton conflicts with GTK’s
  • 569043 – GEGL tool – missing Operation Settings for all sub-tools
  • 568890 – don’t rely on GtkAction implementation details
  • 568909 – wrong RGB values for color names in
  • 568839 – wrong hex RGB value for the color names slategrey and
  • 559408 – Brushes dragged to the image window look strange
  • 563337 – Rectangle Select Tool does not allow 1:1 fixed ratio
  • 568016 – Black pullout parameter of plug-in-newsprint has no effect
  • 562818 – First image opened in GIMP offset
  • 562213 – Align Tool doesn’t work properly if it is the active tool at startup

As always, you can find a link to the source code and the Windows binary on our download page.


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redforce member for almost 18 years redforce 230 comments
over 15 years ago

You don't need to download patches. Just download GIMP 2.6.5 from the Downloads link in the menu.

over 15 years ago

How do i download the patches? NO ONE WILL TELL ME!! T_T