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GIMP 2.6.4 (+ win32 binary) & GEGL 0.0.22 released

By at 2009-01-02 02:03:36 UTC, last updated over 15 years ago. CC BY-NC License

New year, new GIMP: version 2.6.4 has been released yesterday (see official announcement).

GIMP 2.6.4 fixes some bugs of the current GIMP 2.6 (stable) series again.

List of changes from GIMP 2.6.3 to GIMP 2.6.4

Fixed bugs:

  • 565223 – Perspective transformation jagged edges / comb effect
  • 563985 – jpg save dialog: “cancel” is treated like “commit”
    for settings
  • 564087 – Using clone tool on a layer with a part out of canvas
    causes crashes
  • 564593 – crash when the drawable is changed while a color tool
    is active
  • 564869 – GIMP crashes on selecting Tools→GEGL operation
  • 565138 – python-fu-foggify does not check if image is in rgb mode
  • 563130 – Hue selection mode does not cross the 0-360 degrees line
  • 563179 – Scrollbars not resized when we extend the canvas size
  • 562459 – PF_PALETTE: ‘TypeError’ when used in a plugin that is
    registered in
  • 562427 – Compilation with —as-needed
  • 562386 – PF_SLIDER and PF_SPINNER ‘Step’ values do not change
  • 562366 – Default image dimensions are not correctly
    transferred in the file/new dialog box
  • 561899 – GIMP can’t save to mounted filesystem if file exists

Updated translations: Greek (el), Hindi (hi), Hungarian (hu), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko), Slovenian (sl), Swedish (sv), Tamil (ta), Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)

Parallel to GIMP 2.6.4, GEGL 0.0.22 has been released. You should use it to compile your new GIMP. It not only provides some nice speedups, but also features a new vector path representation infrastructure that will eventually become used in future GIMP versions.

As usual, you can find links to the source code and the Windows binary on our download page.


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over 15 years ago

Here are 5 GIMP tricks everyone should know:

over 15 years ago

GEGL operations no longer work for me in 2.6.4 either. Could there be an issue with the GEGL 0.0.22 update in the packaged Windows installer?

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 15 years ago

you dont need to install gegl on winxp. its packaged into the main executable

over 15 years ago

I'm sorry but how do I install gegl?Win xp.

over 15 years ago

None of the GEGL filter operators have slider controls now. I went ahead and un-installed 2.6.4 and went back to 2.6.3. Hopefully this issue will be resolved, or someone can explain to me how to get the sliders back. :)