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Vote for your favourite before/after photo!

By at 2008-10-22 17:57:35 UTC, last updated almost 16 years ago. CC BY-NC License

Recently we had a very cool contest on our sister site the challenge was to enhance an image in a very cool way – such as manipulations, montages changed colors etc. Please help us to determine the coolest before-after-picture!

I’m sure many of the images can be an inspiration for you all ;)

You can see all images on here (just ignore the written text and click the thumbnail image):

When you chose your favorite please go here and vote for the picture:

Since this is a closed voting only registered users can vote for an image!

If you go to – the domain changes but you can log in with the same nickname/passowrd as you use here on Only 1 vote per user is allowed. The vote can not be reassigned!

Thank you and have fun ;)


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