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GEGL 0.0.12

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GEGL 0.0.12 Øyvind Kolås 19 Feb 00:11
Øyvind Kolås
2007-02-19 00:11:02 UTC (over 17 years ago)

GEGL 0.0.12

GEGL 0.0.12

GEGL is a graph based image processing framework offering non-destructive image processing and compositing on large images. GEGL is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off projects to interactive applications.

Changes in this release ???????????????????????
• Swapping out of image pyramid.
• Speedups to text rendering.
• GEGL compiles on win32
• GEGL_SWAP now specifies swapdir location. • Small refactorings of public API. • Changed the XML parser/serializer to not use attributes for node properties. • Improvements to documentation.
• Automagic build environment for operations simplified. • Internal API for saving/loading GeglBuffers to/from disk. • Ruby, C# and Python bindings added to version control system (not included in distributed tarball)

A new release of babl is also available that fixes the reference conversion from premultiplied to non-premultipled data making it work on platforms where the dynamically loaded performance extensions do not work yet.

Contributions from:

Kevin Cozens, Øyvind Kolås, Sven Neumann and Michael Schumacher.

Where to get GEGL ?????????????????
GEGL and it's dependencies babl and glib can be fetched from:

The integrity of the tarballs can be verified with:

sha1sum *.bz2 fd344360c7ae900a4610951cd3dee855c2298f21 babl-0.0.14.tar.bz2 5d1e3b1a13d696fda4c9ca01df28435e58fb882f gegl-0.0.12.tar.bz2 387da30929047ef88a6f369831a34f41a3d027f7 glib-2.12.9.tar.bz2

Where to get more information about GEGL ???????????????????????????????????????? Information about GEGL can be found at the GEGL website