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Create your own GIMP 2.8-Splash Screen!
8 GIMPusers like this


Author: kungfu07

Submitted at Fri, 21 Jan 2011 20:28:23 +0000, last edited over 13 years ago

About this image

fonts :
gimp = Showcard Gothic
v2.8 = Thirsty for Souls
GNU..= Sophie


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This topic (kilimanjaro-splash) has been rated 3.0/5.0.

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kungfu07 member for about 14 years kungfu07 6 comments rated this topic with 3/5
over 13 years ago

not very bad :-)

over 13 years ago

looks good for me ,i see in backround those animals : GNU

GameCreator member for almost 17 years GameCreator 9 comments rated this topic with 3/5
over 13 years ago

My third choice. It looks nice and peaceful. But from my choices this one has the least associations with image manipulation program.