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Create your own GIMP 2.8-Splash Screen!

Create your own GIMP 2.8-Splash Screen!

Submission period:
11 Jan 2011 00:01 UTC – 09 Feb 2011 23:55 UTC

Voting period:
11 Feb 2011 00:01 UTC – 20 Feb 2011 23:55 UTC

Status: finished (22 submissions)


Sorry, currently we do have no prizes available – this contest is just for fun (and showing your skills :D)

If you’re interested in sponsoring prizes please let us know via email to How sponsoring looks is clearly visible at the contests-page on our German portal


A so-called splash screen is an image that is shown when launching an application/program on your computer. GIMP is using a standard-splash screen too, but it is pretty easy to change it to another one by yourself. Of course you have to create such a splash screen by yourself now for the upcoming version of GIMP (which will be 2.8) :) Thats what this contest is about. Make your very own splash screen and upload up to 3 of them to our contest system. If one of the submitted splashes is great there is also a chance to have it included as new standard splash-screen or maybe for development-versions of GIMP! However the developers will decide this and we don’t have influence on this!

Specific rules

  • You can use any image stuff you like (photos, brushes, textures etc.) If you do so please mention all the stuff in the description when uploading
  • Please put the Text “GNU Image Manipulation Program”, “GIMP” and the version number somewhere on the splash screen. This is no a “must” but helpful to determine it is a GIMP splash screen!
  • you can upload up to 3 different splash screens, you can also edit or delete all of them while the contest is running. You need to be a registered member to use our upload system!
  • Please save your file as .xcfbz2 too and upload it. This is a compressed xcf-file format that is smaller in size.
  • Make sure all the stuff you need to do the splash screen is not copyrighted by another person that does not allow the usage of it.
  • Any size of the splash screen is possible. But consider, that screen resolutions are not infinite
  • After the contest has ended you’ll be able to vote on all submitted images if you like it or not.
  • Have fun by making the image!

General rules

  • All uploaded images are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
  • You need a free account to participate. You can use it to manage your submissions.
  • All images have to be created with GIMP.
  • Submissions are only accepted if uploaded using the Submissions page. Every image is required to be in JPEG or PNG format, and the GIMP workspace has to be uploaded, too.
  • Please save and upload your GIMP workspace as .xcfbz2 file (instead of .xcf). The steps of the creation process should be as traceable as possible so that others can benefit.
  • Make sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled, especially the copyright of used images. You can reference your sources in every submission's description.
  • You can upload up to three submissions and modify/delete it until the end of the submission period.
  • Submissions remain public when you should delete your account, but they won't be associated to an author anymore.
  • Possible prizes are provided by the named sponsors. There is no legal claim to the prizes.


Post your own comments, questions or hints here. The author and other users will see your posting and can reply to it.

Of course, you can also ask in the chat.

Subscription management

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User rating

This topic (Create your own GIMP 2.8-Splash Screen!) has been rated 4.7/5.0.

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over 12 years ago

Maybe something like this?

Cuban-Pete member for over 13 years Cuban-Pete 8 comments rated this topic with 5/5
over 12 years ago

Made this for the fun. :-)

Trillrund member for over 13 years Trillrund 4 comments
over 13 years ago

devvv: Thanks a lot I will try to upload the correct files now. ;-)

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 13 years ago

Trillrund: Thank you for the message, we had a disk space quota on the server, which has now been adjusted to allow more uploads ;) Should work fine now!

Trillrund member for over 13 years Trillrund 4 comments
over 13 years ago

Hi all!
I'm not able to upload my splash screen picture. Grr. Please can anybody help me? I have saved them as .xcfbz2. But I got a lot of erroe message. Why?

Alinn member for over 13 years Alinn 1 comment
over 13 years ago

I sent :)

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 13 years ago

Cuban-Pete: Please use the "Your submissions" page to upload your splash screen to the contest system ;) The link is found under the contest infos on the top left!

Cuban-Pete member for over 13 years Cuban-Pete 8 comments rated this topic with 4/5
over 13 years ago

Little try with rainbow texture in Blender and of course Gimp. I think it is decent, perhaps it inspires others. :)

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 13 years ago

doesn't have to be that spezific size, you can make it as you like.

Cezzare member for over 13 years Cezzare 4 comments rated this topic with 5/5
over 13 years ago

Hi! the splash image size should be 275x400 like the current one in 2.6?

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 13 years ago

Hey Ramon! I don't think there is an "official" font if you mean that. maybe you can ask the developers in the gimp irc (chat) if you want so :)

Ramon Miranda
over 13 years ago

WOW, lot of fun. is there a .png file with the GIMP typo used on the site? or better , which is the gimp typography? thanks for the help