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Lost in space – Create a space scene in GIMP!
11 GIMPusers like this


Author: adiboo

Submitted at Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:22:57 +0000, last edited about 10 years ago

About this image

Huge building-city.
My sketchblog:


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adiboo member for almost 12 years adiboo 4 comments
about 10 years ago

@Chelmite, @marciomendonsa
Thank you, guys!

Chelmite member for almost 17 years Chelmite 4 comments rated this topic with 4/5
about 10 years ago

Very good, with a great concept and lots of details. One mark off for having different light sources for the moon, the buildings and space ship, and the satellite.

marciomendonsa member for over 11 years marciomendonsa 3 comments rated this topic with 4/5
about 10 years ago

Great! I was in doubt between this and "Walk with moons".
