Tutorial: Perfect masking using a highpass

Open any picture that contains a big shot of a person / celebrity / whatever. I use a picture of a well known celebrity.
Duplicate the background layer 2 times, you should that layer 3 times then. On the top layer use Filter / Gaussian Blur: 18px. Set the layer to 50% transparency in the layers dialog.
Then go to Colors / Invert. You should have something similar to my picture now.
Click the right mousebutton on the layer in the layers dialog and choose “Merge down”.
Colors / Desaturate (average). The go to Colors / Curves and apply a soft S-curve as seen on the image below.
Then choose Brightness & Contrast from the same menu. This step can vary when you use a diferent picture. We’re aiming to get a good clearly vivisble contrast. Its important thyt you get nice contrast in the hairs area.
We’re now done with the highpass filtering.
Go to Colors / Invert.
Now you need to take a brush and paint the body of the person / object with white. To make it easier to correct mistakes you should create an empty layer above the highpass-layer and paint on this layer, when done merge the layer down. You can move the background-layer above all layers and set the transparency to 20% or so to see what parts you have to paint.
You don’t have to paint the hair! Thats the point of this technique / tutorial. The hair should be already white, and everything behind the hair should be dark gray or black so you dont have to use time to get the hair extracted. -
When you have the person white you have to paint the background black. Start at the borders of the body. You can do this fast when you first use a smaller black brush to paint around the person (where the gradient from black to white is visible), and then using a very big brush to fill the rest of the background with black.
If you use a sperate layer dont forget to merge it down at the end.
At the end you should have an image containg almost only black an white. We use this as a layer mask now.
Press CTRL+A (Selection / All), copy this using CTRL+C (Edit / Copy). Activate the background where the person is. Click right in the layers dialog, choose Add Alpha channel.
Click right again and add a layer mask. Press CTRL+V (Edit / Paste) then and use the anchor-button in the layers dialog to get the copy onto the layer mask. You should the see the result immideatly. Make a white new layer behind all, then you can see the results even better!
Good luck and have fun!
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