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Tutorial: Crazy Ions

Written by , translated by redforce · Created on Nov 04, 2007, last updated almost 14 years ago CC BY-NC License
Crazy Ions


This tutorial shows again which great things you can do easily with The Gimp. Also it is my 2nd Tutorial. Have a good time with it !

Tutorial details

  1. 1

    Create a new file with the size 500×500 Px (size doesn’t matter but it has to be square)

  2. 2

    Choose any color gradient and use the same parameters as in the image below.

  3. 3

    Create the gradient (click on a point in the image, hold and drag a line)

  4. 4

    click the right mousebutton on your image, then select Filters>Artistic>Cubism and use the same parameters as in the image below

  5. 5

    click the right mousebutton on your image, then select filters>blur>Motion blur and use the same parameters as in the image

  6. 6

    click the right mousebutton on your image, then elect filters>blur>Gaussian Blur strength 3

  7. 7

    click the right mousebutton on your image, then elect filters>Edge-Detect>Edges and use the same parameters as in the image

  8. 8

    For simulating a light depth click the right mousebutton, then select filters>Blur>Motion blur> and use the same parameters as in the image

  9. 9

    We’re done ;) I hope you like the result!


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This topic (Crazy Ions) has been rated 3.0/5.0.

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Madhavan member for almost 12 years Madhavan 2 comments rated this topic with 3/5
almost 12 years ago

Nice tutorial, I learned bit of filters. see the image for my try outs.

almost 12 years ago

Wow! That's cool :D

over 12 years ago

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooopsssss im wrong here's the link

over 12 years ago

check this out i made you're tutorial!

over 15 years ago

Thanks for the Tutorial! It was lots of fun when I tried it.

about 16 years ago

This tutorial was very easy to follow, thanks! By the way, it looks really good mapped into a sphere.

Beaniebaby2468 member for over 16 years Beaniebaby2468 5 comments
over 16 years ago

Very nice tutorial! Also, HOW DO YOU CEATE A TUTORIAL? I hve been trying forever, and can't figure it out lol... Just a random thing i made...

exn member for about 17 years exn 2 comments
almost 17 years ago

oh nice effect. thanks