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Poll results

Question: Which graphics card (chip) do you have in your main computer?

Created at Sun, 29 Apr 2012 22:40:00 +0000
Open until Sat, 09 Jun 2012 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 605 votes has been given:

  • NVIDIA under Windows/Mac or Linux/BSD with nvidia driver (307 votes)
  • ATI under Windows/Mac or Linux/BSD with fglrx driver (154 votes)
  • NVIDIA or ATI under Linux/BSD with free driver (nv, nouveau, radeon etc) (54 votes)
  • Intel (76 votes)
  • SiS (2 votes)
  • VIA (4 votes)
  • Matrox (0 votes)
  • S3 Graphics (1 vote)
  • Other chip (7 votes)

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This topic (Which graphics card (chip) do you have in your main computer?) has been rated 1.0/5.0.

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over 12 years ago

Voodoo Banshee all the way!!!

Cuban-Pete member for over 13 years Cuban-Pete 8 comments rated this topic with 1/5
over 12 years ago

stop posting active polls where I can't vote in...