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Question: Did you - _before_ you used GIMP for the first time - use Photoshop or similar programs ?

Created at Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:08:27 +0000
Open until Thu, 05 Apr 2012 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 194 votes has been given:

  • Yes, for longer than 6 months. (94 votes)
  • Yes, but only for a short time. (less than 6 months) (35 votes)
  • No, I never used Photoshop or similar programs before. (65 votes)

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lousiewhei member for over 12 years lousiewhei 14 comments
over 12 years ago

I am pretty much a living fossil in computer age, the first time I knew there is such thing a digital photos was when I learned to use PageMaker, the 1st image/page-layout software I ever knew. Then paint.exe, then Photoshop a few times (like used it for about 10 times at work, really). Then while I got back to school again, used a thing called PhotoCap for a while, but it was resource demanding, and my cheap net-book had problem running it, then I found GIMP as a free software, gave it a try, now I do not need Photoshop anymore. Actually, with all those free, open source softwares, who need those snubs anymore?