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Poll results

Question: Would you use your Facebook/Google...-account to log in on

Created at Wed, 08 Dec 2010 16:20:32 +0000
Open until Tue, 01 Mar 2011 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 175 votes has been given:

  • Yes, I would use my Facebook account! (25 votes)
  • Yes, I would use my Twitter account! (5 votes)
  • Yes, I would use my Google account! (48 votes)
  • Yes, I would use my Launchpad account! (10 votes)
  • Yes, I would use another OpenID provider (Yahoo, MSN, etc...) (22 votes)
  • No, maybe sometime in the future. (6 votes)
  • No, never. I prefer separate accounts for each website. (59 votes)

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almost 14 years ago

When I click on an active poll link, it just takes me to the results page. There is no place to actually click to make a vote. Seems pointless to me to be at this page without having even voted. I've only successfully voted on one poll, and I recall that the vote options were on the right column.