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Poll results

Question: What do you think about the separation of the save as / export feature in GIMP 2.8?

Created at Sun, 06 Sep 2009 02:11:29 +0000
Open until Sun, 26 Sep 2010 21:04:27 +0000

In total, 73 votes has been given:

  • Great! It makes sense to use XCF as primary file format and export into other formats explicitly (49 votes)
  • Doesn't make a difference for me as I only do smaller image corrections (3 votes)
  • I don't care (8 votes)
  • The old way is much better (13 votes)

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vitalif member for about 11 years vitalif 2 comments rated this topic with 1/5
about 11 years ago

Another bad poll.

For everyone who dislikes save/export - you can use my patch to disable that "feature" (for gimp 2.8.6)

It just adds all formats to Save. So in theory everyone should be happy - those who like Export can still use it, and those who don't - can use normal Save.

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

saluk, if you just open any file type (jpg, png, bmp etc) there is an ultra-simple overwrite option now that has a standard shortcut mapped. so the new feature is really only a step forward ;)

saluk member for about 13 years saluk 1 comment
about 13 years ago

New method is 1 step forward 2 steps back. Everyone only thinks about their own workflow and don't consider others. This move weakens gimp for many use cases where you don't want xcf as primary, but another format as primary. Compromises could be made to make it work for everybody.

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
almost 14 years ago

The export feature is really awesome once you have to use it when 2.8 will be out ;) It speeds things up in a very nice way

mikethedj4 member for almost 14 years mikethedj4 12 comments rated this topic with 4/5
almost 14 years ago

Adding the export does make sense, but I personally am so used to Save As, and the file types, and everything were listed on there as well. So I really don't see why there needs to be a change I'd rather stick with the save as option, but whatever works with the community I'm down for.

23dornot23d member for about 15 years 23dornot23d 10 comments
about 15 years ago

ctrl+e ......... works a treat after

the initial export
ctrl+shift+e ...

But its still not good for me doing multiple edits and wanting to save as jpg ...... I post on forums trying to show how good Gimp is and that it can do everything that photoshop can do ....
If I use this latest save routine .... I lose the edge because I get annoyed with it ....
I cannot work very well when annoyed .....
Your poll is even saying 1 in 6 users do not like the new method .... 15 % at the moment ....
Cannot a check box be added in the save option for jpg's .... so at least we have the choice ..... of how we the user would like to save our files ....

about 15 years ago

Audacity uses that same feature for it's sound files. Drives me nuts. I'd much prefer a combined option.

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 15 years ago

hi again! have a look at the open bugs - if there is nothing similar open another bug and write the steps to reproduce the error!


thank you

23dornot23d member for about 15 years 23dornot23d 10 comments
about 15 years ago

ctrl+e ......... works a treat after

the initial export
ctrl+shift+e ...

Keep up the good work .....

( Where do I post the errors that I am getting ... with script files not working or should I try to put them right and re-post them somewhere )

or do you already have people working on this ...

Just would love to try to help out in some small way.

about 15 years ago

This new behaviour is much better.
(There is no import, you open everything with open.)

(Much less "why won't it open?/what's this xcf thing(s)?/How do I save in ...?/...?" whining from non computer savvy users and less file format mistakes from creators.)

The developers have not screwed up on the export behaviour for simple tasks,
kudos to them. It's really worked out very good, in a professional way.

Thus, before commenting people, look at the picture. If you want to: read how it works out very good in this scenarios and be relieved (I's not illegal to read the notes for yourself or/and being relieved)

devvv member for about 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 15 years ago

Roflo: You can just open it (no use of "import"). Currently you have a the ability to "fast export" the jpg file into the same file format using the same preferences as before. (this is the option in the file menu before "export to..." (see screenshot).

It is very cool as it is right now and its a faster workflow then before!

about 15 years ago

What about opening other file types?

If I want to open a JPEG file, do I have to use Import instead of Open?

If I'm already editing a JPEG file and want to save the changes, do I have to go to Export? Or since we already know it's a jpeg, then I can do Save?

Anybody knows?

Anyway, I hope they asked themselves these questions..

WWWWolf member for about 15 years WWWWolf 4 comments
about 15 years ago

As long as every website and web browser ever will be updated to accept and handle .xcf files, sure, I don't really mind. If I suspect will not be the case, making tiny changes to images will be slightly more painful. *sigh*

about 15 years ago

Love it. It makes the whole edit/export workflow much more satisfiable, and also just seems to make more sense.