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Poll results

Question: What do you do when you encounter a GIMP bug?

Created at Thu, 01 May 2008 00:13:49 +0000
Open until Sun, 26 Sep 2010 21:04:08 +0000

In total, 23 votes has been given:

  • I search in Bugzilla and report/confirm the bug (1 vote)
  • I have a look at the mailing lists, maybe someone has the same problem (5 votes)
  • I ask in a forum (3 votes)
  • I ask in the chat (0 votes)
  • Nothing (and I hope that it doesn't occur anymore) (14 votes)

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redforce member for almost 18 years redforce 230 comments
about 16 years ago

That's fine, I meant (and should have written) "reproducible bug"

about 16 years ago

Actually, none of the above.

I usually try to reproduce it first.