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Poll results

Question: I am using GIMP for...

Created at Fri, 13 Dec 2013 11:58:48 +0000
Open until Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 419 votes has been given:

  • ... in private / free time (294 votes)
  • ... in my studies (school / university...) (50 votes)
  • ... for paid work / business (75 votes)

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over 10 years ago

A l o h a ! To the creatives behind the scenes ~
I enjoy the thought of a user-created platform each time I use GIMP.
~ M a h a l o ~

` p a g e '

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 10 years ago

It's a great program! have fun with our tutorials ;)

Linda Carrig
over 10 years ago

downloading now... so I don't know how it's going to work out.

over 10 years ago

I voted for personal use; however, I volunteer and at times I have used Gimp for projects there. I graduated college in 2012. While in graphics class I was required to download the temporary free version of PS. Other then in that class, I used Gimp. While in that class I brought up Gimp. My instructor mentioned a feature in PS that he liked. I did a a little research and let him Gimp can do that.

I am not a graphic pro by no means. I generally read the tutorials if there is something I have the time to learn. If I want to repeat that later, I have to go back to the tutorial. I use mostly for cropping and resizing...and time special affects.