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Question: 8 months after the GIMP 2.8 release: Whats your opinion on the new save/export system?

Created at Fri, 08 Feb 2013 13:36:25 +0000
Open until Wed, 03 Apr 2013 00:00:00 +0000

In total, 272 votes has been given:

  • It's great – I'm fine with it, suits my needs! (117 votes)
  • I like it basically, but simple save and overwrite is now more click-intense (69 votes)
  • I simply can't get used to it. It slows my workflow appreciably... (47 votes)
  • No-go for me. Had to switch back to GIMP 2.6 because of this. (28 votes)
  • I've got a different opinion on this (please post it below) (11 votes)

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vitalif member for about 11 years vitalif 2 comments rated this topic with 1/5
about 11 years ago

I want to look at these 117 users who like save/export. Very strange people, they are.

For everyone else: you can use my patch to disable the "feature" (for gimp 2.8.6)

It just adds all formats to Save. So in theory everyone should be happy - those who like Export can still use it, and those who don't - can use normal Save.

over 11 years ago

I tended to use gimp for sprite work, and this change to the saving functionality slowed my workflow to the point where I had to remove gimp from my tool chain; a very hard thing for me, since on linux the only thing with the functionality I want and need is gimp. As I type this I am downloading the source code of gimp 2.6 with the dire hope that I can get it working.

As another example of how this change has affected my work flow, I had to resize multiple images and did not want to mess with imagemagic to do so, so I wanted to simply open them in gimp, resize and save. I had to click 7 times per an image just to do this. This may sound like a minor grievance admittedly, but this procedure took far longer than it would have with the older behavior.

over 11 years ago

Don't care.

When Gimp has on-canvas rotation like MyPaint?
Even now most small graphic application have it... :|

blackmaxphoto member for almost 12 years blackmaxphoto 2 comments
over 11 years ago

Hate it

Nevada Dave
over 11 years ago

Compatibility is always a good thing. Being able to switch between gimp and other programs takes a bit more work than others.

Lyle member for over 12 years Lyle 91 comments
over 11 years ago

Grown to tolerate it; understand why, but still, it's aggrevating to this day. lolol


blackmaxphoto member for almost 12 years blackmaxphoto 2 comments
over 11 years ago

Whats your opinion on the new save/export system?

HATE it!


G.I.M.P. 2.8.4 runs well on both UBS 12.04.2 boxes here though

glenn johnson
over 11 years ago

have tried gimp 2.8.4 and 2.8.4 program shut down when it gets to 'updating tag cache" went back to gimp 2.6.12