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UPDATE: GIMP 2.4/stable sources available

By at 2007-10-24 08:27:16 UTC, last updated almost 17 years ago. CC BY-NC License

While the release has not been officially announced yet, you can download the GIMP 2.4/stable sources from the GIMP FTP server. UPDATE: Officially announced now.

As usual, you can find the direct link to the tarball on our download page.

UPDATE: Also the new we mentioned in our big 2.4-Review has now gone live for all users. It’s really a viewing pleasure in comparison to the old grey


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redforce member for almost 18 years redforce 230 comments
almost 17 years ago

GIMP is open-source software. So you can just port and compile it for Windows or whatever system you want.

If you want other people to compile it for you in their spare time, you'll have to wait until they do so.

Traveosa member for almost 17 years Traveosa 4 comments
almost 17 years ago

They haven't even released it for windows yet. That is lame. For i use windows. And i am not switching to linux just for that. Maybe Ubuntu but nothing else.