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Gimp 2.4 release candidate 2

By at 2007-09-04 19:11:51 UTC, last updated almost 17 years ago. CC BY-NC License

As you can read in the official mailing list release candidate 2 for GIMP 2.4 hast been released! Since yesterday you can find the new version on

The new version has been undergone significant testing as fixes bugs.

Changes in GIMP 2.4.0-rc2

- more improvements and bug fixes in the rectangle tools
- antialias the display for zoom levels between 100% and 200%
- fix zoomed-out display problems
- improve handling of JPEG settings
- fix script-fu error reporting
- on OS X, get rid of menubars in windows and use the global menubar
- fix plug-ins using GimpZoomPreview
- throw properly catchable exceptions from foreign script-fu function
(like PDB wrappers)
- bug fixes

The official website will be updated with the news for the rc2 release in the next hours. You can find the current tarball for GIMP 2.4 RC2 on our downloads page.


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almost 17 years ago

I can't wait for the to come out... Unfortunately I'm not a patient person :(

henriquemaia member for almost 17 years henriquemaia 11 comments
almost 17 years ago

Great news. Already installed following the same instructions of redforce (2.3.19).

devvv member for almost 18 years devvv 1475 comments
almost 17 years ago

no win-version yet. we'll inform you when rc2 for windows is out.

xtudiux member for about 17 years xtudiux 19 comments
almost 17 years ago

Wow...RC2...any windows version???