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GIMP Segfaults on startup

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GIMP Segfaults on startup 23 Nov 07:51
  GIMP Segfaults on startup Patrick McFarland 23 Nov 08:06
2002-11-23 07:51:57 UTC (over 21 years ago)

GIMP Segfaults on startup


Fine, fine, I'll subscribe already. *sigh* Moderator, please delete the similar post that has been sitting in the approve queue for over a week.

Gimp Segfaults on Startup =========================


After spending a whole day downloading, compiling and installing gimp 1.2.3 and its various dependencies, I was unpleasantly surprised to find the text "Segmentation Fault" as its only output. I searched the gimp and gtk lists for "segmentation", "sigsegv" and other variations, but nothing useful turned up. Let the debugging begin.

Tried running gimp with various combinations of options, in particular with any type of shared memory disabled. Conclusion: the only way to avoid the SIGSEGV is to run with --no-interface.

Secondly, built and ran all examples supplied with GTK; all seem to work fine. However, the last trace (see below) suggests that it might be a GTK problem anyway. Since I'm really not sure, I decided to submit my problem to the gimp list first.

I am very short on time at the moment, and can't be sure when I will have enough time to dive into the code. I am also completely new to the GIMP source, and with all due respect, wish to learn as little as possible about it. Now, before I dive in, does anyone have any hints, tips, suggestions or pointers to speed up my quest? Could it even be that this problem is already known?

OS : Linux 2.0.39 Distribution : Custom/Homebrew
GTK : gtk+-1.2.10
GCC : 2.95.3
libc :
Machine : P166MMX w/32 MB RAM
Other info : ask

Summary of debug attempts: =======================================================================

((Full session transcripts are available on request. Same goes for my gimp and gtk build scripts.))

========== laptop:~$ gdb gimp
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details. GDB 4.14 (i486-slackware-linux), Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc... (no debugging symbols found)...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/X11/gimp

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x402b2f97 in non_gui_paint_core ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x402b2f97 in non_gui_paint_core () #1 0x40187118 in non_gui_paint_core () #2 0x40176b0f in non_gui_paint_core () #3 0x40176bc9 in non_gui_paint_core () [*snip*]
#74 0x400c997f in non_gui_paint_core () #75 0x400c7af7 in non_gui_paint_core () #76 0x400fc00d in non_gui_paint_core () #77 0x8164bfa in user_install_verify () #78 0x8163650 in user_install_verify () #79 0x8109364 in main ()
#80 0x8069f7e in _start ()

Hmmm... That looks suspicious. Time to build a debug version.

Multiple nightly rebuilds were necessary to get a debug-enabled version. Had to free up extra diskspace to make it fit. GRRRR.

Second GDB session summary:

========== laptop:~/src/gimp-1.2.3/app/gimp-1.2$ ( export MALLOC_CHECK_=2 && gdb gimp-1.2 ) [*snip*]
Breakpoint 2, gimp_pixmap_new (xpm_data=0x826fc80) at gimppixmap.c:108 [*snip*]
(gdb) s
0x81db1c0 93 }
(gdb) bt
#0 0x81db1c0 in gimp_pixmap_get_type () at gimppixmap.c:93 #1 0x81db1da in gimp_pixmap_new (xpm_data=0x826fc80) at gimppixmap.c:108 #2 0x81bea97 in user_install_dialog_create (callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:673 #3 0x81bde21 in user_install_verify (user_install_callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:114 #4 0x8142112 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd34) at main.c:399 #5 0x806a05e in _start ()
(gdb) s

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0x40250665 in non_gui_paint_core ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x40250665 in non_gui_paint_core () #1 0x402c4368 in non_gui_paint_core () [*snip*]
#54 0x400c7af7 in non_gui_paint_core () #55 0x400fc00d in non_gui_paint_core () #56 0x81bf9e2 in user_install_dialog_create (callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:934 #57 0x81bde21 in user_install_verify (user_install_callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:114 #58 0x8142112 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd34) at main.c:399 #59 0x806a05e in _start ()
#59 0x806a05e in _start ()

Still suspicious, but got the exact instruction where the error was caught. (Not necessarily very useful.)

Note that libc's internal malloc debugger is enabled during the above session. (As per MALLOC_CHECK_.)

Let's try a full trace. Third session summary:

========== (gdb) run
Starting program: /home/zovier/src/gimp-1.2.3/app/gimp-1.2

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd34) at main.c:121 121 gboolean show_version = FALSE; (gdb) while 1
122 gboolean show_help = FALSE; 128 g_atexit (g_mem_profile);
671 gtk_widget_show (hbox);
673 title_pixmap = gimp_pixmap_new (wilber_xpm);

Breakpoint 2, gimp_pixmap_new (xpm_data=0x826fc80) at gimppixmap.c:108 108 pixmap = gtk_type_new (gimp_pixmap_get_type ()); gimp_pixmap_get_type () at gimppixmap.c:75 75 if (!pixmap_type)
77 GtkTypeInfo pixmap_info = 89 pixmap_type = gtk_type_unique (gtk_pixmap_get_type (), &pixmap_info); 92 return pixmap_type;
0x81db1c0 93 }

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0x40250665 in non_gui_paint_core ()
Cannot find bounds of current function (gdb)

Again, the malloc debugger was enabled during this session.

========== laptop:~$ ls -l $( ldd /usr/bin/X11/gimp | awk '{print $3}' ) | awk 'gsub("^.*/","")' ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* laptop:~$

End. Thanks for considering my problem.

- -- Regards, () =Martin= ASCII Ribbon Campaign Against HTML Mail /\

PGP: D358DE6E 7373 3E15 8F24 B838 DA96 F576 B765 DDCA D358 DE6E

From: To: Subject: GIMP Segfaults on startup
Reply-To:, X-S-Issue: 2002/11/23 07:50:01 7f67eb0a7d02f32c3ca03209f4054eba -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

iQEcBAEBAgAGBQI93yUvAAoJELdl3crTWN5uJrYH/23sTdF44OekZtyAXLm5zvZG 5i5SO+69yoSKnd9KcGdC/KWpa69+JJNmUlD2ZbT2LVC6s/qSYJAtDR7ctSdDzycS PX393QNeAcoK0ln3UE5MmJZ1KwzJ+gjOnpYH5dgExJ6GAJufx7hHQsCvSsdHAAqa VqNHrLTXxtS5Kf/lOUcs77ae1+FdYUqpiFG0MYE1poAY421PxsJ+LdmzNOxqQfsq 6vxAwg4Yw+fP0V5KD2JyeBcyedEA48ahfBT8Clg1x9ATnB+YXC5P6QgIA8CahGbC vE48SjW9Nmcr33vFjk0vuivK3slkTzt821GsC7m0Ec7rRag3npTz1L9GPwxwbJw= =A3oZ

Patrick McFarland
2002-11-23 08:06:13 UTC (over 21 years ago)

GIMP Segfaults on startup

Well, three things could be causing this. GTK's interaction with X (or whatever target you built GTK for). It can be Gimp's interaction with GTK. (Probably not unless you have a really old GTK, or a really old Gimp.) Lastly, It can be your incredably outdated kernel and/or libc.

On 23-Nov-2002, wrote:

Fine, fine, I'll subscribe already. *sigh* Moderator, please delete the similar post that has been sitting in the approve queue for over a week.

Gimp Segfaults on Startup =========================


After spending a whole day downloading, compiling and installing gimp 1.2.3 and its various dependencies, I was unpleasantly surprised to find the text "Segmentation Fault" as its only output. I searched the gimp and gtk lists for "segmentation", "sigsegv" and other variations, but nothing useful turned up. Let the debugging begin.

Tried running gimp with various combinations of options, in particular with any type of shared memory disabled. Conclusion: the only way to avoid the SIGSEGV is to run with --no-interface.

Secondly, built and ran all examples supplied with GTK; all seem to work fine. However, the last trace (see below) suggests that it might be a GTK problem anyway. Since I'm really not sure, I decided to submit my problem to the gimp list first.

I am very short on time at the moment, and can't be sure when I will have enough time to dive into the code. I am also completely new to the GIMP source, and with all due respect, wish to learn as little as possible about it. Now, before I dive in, does anyone have any hints, tips, suggestions or pointers to speed up my quest? Could it even be that this problem is already known?

OS : Linux 2.0.39 Distribution : Custom/Homebrew
GTK : gtk+-1.2.10
GCC : 2.95.3
libc :
Machine : P166MMX w/32 MB RAM
Other info : ask

Summary of debug attempts: =======================================================================

((Full session transcripts are available on request. Same goes for my gimp and gtk build scripts.))

========== laptop:~$ gdb gimp
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details. GDB 4.14 (i486-slackware-linux), Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc... (no debugging symbols found)...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/X11/gimp

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x402b2f97 in non_gui_paint_core ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x402b2f97 in non_gui_paint_core () #1 0x40187118 in non_gui_paint_core () #2 0x40176b0f in non_gui_paint_core () #3 0x40176bc9 in non_gui_paint_core () [*snip*]
#74 0x400c997f in non_gui_paint_core () #75 0x400c7af7 in non_gui_paint_core () #76 0x400fc00d in non_gui_paint_core () #77 0x8164bfa in user_install_verify () #78 0x8163650 in user_install_verify () #79 0x8109364 in main ()
#80 0x8069f7e in _start ()

Hmmm... That looks suspicious. Time to build a debug version.

Multiple nightly rebuilds were necessary to get a debug-enabled version. Had to free up extra diskspace to make it fit. GRRRR.

Second GDB session summary:

========== laptop:~/src/gimp-1.2.3/app/gimp-1.2$ ( export MALLOC_CHECK_=2 && gdb gimp-1.2 ) [*snip*]
Breakpoint 2, gimp_pixmap_new (xpm_data=0x826fc80) at gimppixmap.c:108 [*snip*]
(gdb) s
0x81db1c0 93 }
(gdb) bt
#0 0x81db1c0 in gimp_pixmap_get_type () at gimppixmap.c:93 #1 0x81db1da in gimp_pixmap_new (xpm_data=0x826fc80) at gimppixmap.c:108 #2 0x81bea97 in user_install_dialog_create (callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:673 #3 0x81bde21 in user_install_verify (user_install_callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:114 #4 0x8142112 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd34) at main.c:399 #5 0x806a05e in _start ()
(gdb) s

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0x40250665 in non_gui_paint_core ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x40250665 in non_gui_paint_core () #1 0x402c4368 in non_gui_paint_core () [*snip*]
#54 0x400c7af7 in non_gui_paint_core () #55 0x400fc00d in non_gui_paint_core () #56 0x81bf9e2 in user_install_dialog_create (callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:934 #57 0x81bde21 in user_install_verify (user_install_callback=0x8142138 ) at user_install.c:114 #58 0x8142112 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd34) at main.c:399 #59 0x806a05e in _start ()
#59 0x806a05e in _start ()

Still suspicious, but got the exact instruction where the error was caught. (Not necessarily very useful.)

Note that libc's internal malloc debugger is enabled during the above session. (As per MALLOC_CHECK_.)

Let's try a full trace. Third session summary:

========== (gdb) run
Starting program: /home/zovier/src/gimp-1.2.3/app/gimp-1.2

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd34) at main.c:121 121 gboolean show_version = FALSE; (gdb) while 1
122 gboolean show_help = FALSE; 128 g_atexit (g_mem_profile);
671 gtk_widget_show (hbox);
673 title_pixmap = gimp_pixmap_new (wilber_xpm);

Breakpoint 2, gimp_pixmap_new (xpm_data=0x826fc80) at gimppixmap.c:108 108 pixmap = gtk_type_new (gimp_pixmap_get_type ()); gimp_pixmap_get_type () at gimppixmap.c:75 75 if (!pixmap_type)
77 GtkTypeInfo pixmap_info = 89 pixmap_type = gtk_type_unique (gtk_pixmap_get_type (), &pixmap_info); 92 return pixmap_type;
0x81db1c0 93 }

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0x40250665 in non_gui_paint_core ()
Cannot find bounds of current function (gdb)

Again, the malloc debugger was enabled during this session.

========== laptop:~$ ls -l $( ldd /usr/bin/X11/gimp | awk '{print $3}' ) | awk 'gsub("^.*/","")' ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* ->* laptop:~$

End. Thanks for considering my problem.

-- Regards, () =Martin= ASCII Ribbon Campaign Against HTML Mail /\

PGP: D358DE6E 7373 3E15 8F24 B838 DA96 F576 B765 DDCA D358 DE6E

From: To: Subject: GIMP Segfaults on startup
Reply-To:, X-S-Issue: 2002/11/23 07:50:01 7f67eb0a7d02f32c3ca03209f4054eba _______________________________________________ Gimp-developer mailing list